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Firefighting Foam Linked to Various Cancers

To Qualify for Potential Compensation:
- Civilian or Military Firefighter or Military Service Member
- Exposed to AFFF 5 times or more
- Do not have a lawyer already
Diagnosed With Any Of The Following Conditions Or Cancers:
- Ulcerative colitis
- Kidney cancer
- Liver cancer
- Thyroid disease
- Thyroid cancer
- Testicular cancer
Many Service men and women were exposed to AFFF in their roles in the Military.
These personnel are responsible for combating fires on ships and are frequently trained with, and potentially exposed to, firefighting foam.
These individuals are responsible for combating fires in aircraft incidents. The foam is widely used in these situations due to the high volume of flammable liquids present.
These teams are often the first on the scene in emergencies and may use firefighting foam to combat petroleum based fires.
The Navy regularly conducts firefighting training drills, exposing the involved personnel to firefighting foam.
Those who maintain firefighting equipment, including foam dispensing systems, may also be exposed to these substances.
They might be exposed to firefighting foam during emergency responses or routine testing of fire suppression systems.
In case of fires on aircrafts or in hangars, personnel involved in aviation might be exposed to firefighting foam, particularly if they are part of the emergency response team.
They may be exposed during emergencies, such as electrical fires, where firefighting foam might be used.
In engine rooms or boiler spaces where fuel related fires can occur, these positions might come into contact with firefighting foam during emergency responses.
These specialists may be involved in situations that require firefighting foam, mainly if a fire involves chemicals or hazardous substances.
As a general term for enlisted personnel, seamen may be exposed to firefighting foam during general shipboard firefighing drills or emergencies.
We believe victims of AFFF firefighting foams—and the families who suffer with them—should have every opportunity to address the manufacturers and get the compensation and justice they deserve.
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